Another Benefit for Magnesium Supplementation, Reduce C-Reactive Protein (Heart problem marker and general inflammation marker)
Magnesium deficiency is often overlooked when people complain about fatigue and general soreness in their muscles. Magnesium has many needed functions in the body including its anti-inflammatory effects by reducing C-Reactive Protein. A recent research paper focused on this very issue. The good news is that magnesium deficiency can be turned around very easily with diet modification and supplementation.
Heart Disease and C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
High CRP has been linked to atherosclerosis and heart disease. Atherosclerosis, or plaquing of the arteries has an inflammatory component that is thought to cause a rise in CRP levels in the blood. Atherosclerosis is also felt to be affected by age and other cardiovascular risk factors including diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and cigarette smoking. All these factors increase one’s risk of heart disease and fatal heart attack.
High CRP Values in Other Conditions
- burns,
- trauma,
- infections, such as pneumonia or tuberculosis,
- heart attack,
- chronic inflammatory (autoimmune) diseases such as gout, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis
- inflammatory bowel disease
- Certain cancers
One of my favorite supplements is Pharmanex Lifepak I recommend it highly and when you add bone formula with it the Magnesium levels are very good based on this scientific paper’s recommendations. Check it out and read more here