Vacations Gotta Have ‘Em
Work work in this fast paced world of ours, run-run but never over look the health benefits of taking a vacation. We need to unplug and indulge in what ever it is that we really love and I mean indulge. Long 3-4 day weekends are good and should be part of the whole “unplug” idea but do not replace a real 7-21 day break from the grind. No some of you home-based business entrepreneurs get to do this quite regularly but for those that just don’t like that kind of business and who work a “regular job” then the 1-2 x year break is really crucial to your life and your family life. So do it.
We just returned from one of the best vacations we have taken in 8 years, we drove the Pacific Coast Hwy from Low Angeles to just north of San Francisco to Muir Woods where the Red Woods are. While in Los Angeles we visited friends and saw some sights and the Getty Museum. We then drove north on our own stopping at the Hearst Castle in San Simeon which was awesome. Seeing Big Sur after a lifetime of seeing movies and pictures was breathtaking- you have to do it.
Then in Monterey Bay for Fisherman’s Warf some charter fishing and the Aquarium were all spectacular. Finishing the coastal part of our drive in San Francisco and Muir Woods was perfect.
The Dark Side of Vacations
Well eveything in life is double edged and that goes for vacations too. The biggest downfall of vacationing seems to be the food. We eat 2-3 x as much as usual and we eat indulge on the yummies goodies at every opportunity! The bread, the fried foods and the sweets top the list. I know I did on this last vacation! Even trying not to over do the carby, fatty foods I still got home and felt 10 lbs. heavier(I was not 10 lbs heavier but definately too many yummy carbs) and moved slow and sluggish. So now after 9 days of relaxation and good family fun I have to spend 6 weeks of buckling down and getting back to the gym. So in closing enjoy your vacation but try to pay attention and not over eat or just eat junk. This goes double if you’re over 35.
See you on the beaches of the world, especially you home-based business Multi-Level Marketers (I love my Nuskin home based business)!
Dr. D