Lauricidin is a naturally occurring lipid (fat) that has been purified from coconut oil so as to increase the benefits to the body. There are many uses for Lauricidin;, however, the most common and effective uses of Lauricidin is for viral infections such as herpes, Epstein Barr (Mono), shingles, cold sores, and many other chronic viruses.
Lauricidin is also very effective against candida and, in fact, may be one of the most effective natural tools in the management of fungal overgrowth within the body.
To find out if Lauricidin is right for you, please take the short quiz below:
What Is Lauricidin Used For?
Known as the original monolaurin supplement, made popular by Dr. Jon Kabara, Lauricidin has been used by health care practitioners for its potent antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal benefits. Lauricidin appears to offer unique benefits over conventional antibiotics due to:
- Broad-spectrum effects – It appears to be effective against many different strains of bacteria, fungi, and even viral infections.
- Fewer side-effects – Generally, Lauricidin is well-tolerated with no serious side effects reported.
- Considered non-toxic and safe – Nature deemed it safe enough to include in breast milk.
- Inexpensive in comparison to many conventional antibiotics
- Does not interact with most medications
Lauricidin And Herpes
Monolaurin, the core ingredient in Lauricidin, is one of the most important discoveries in natural medicine for people afflicted with the herpes virus. Monolaurin and herpes are both lipid-lipid based, meaning that herpes has a “fatty envelope” around it which acts as the target for monolaurin to do its job. Monolaurin basically attacks the lipid envelope of the virus, which helps to disrupt the virus’s ability to replicate. Not all viruses are “enveloped,” so monolaurin may be more effective for some viruses (such as herpes) and not so effective for others (such as the cold virus).
Lauricidin Side Effects
You may be wondering just how safe Lauricidin really is.
Lauricidin, which contains monolaurin, is so safe that the FDA considers it GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe), which places Lauricidin on the FDA’s list of non-toxic substances. As mentioned, it’s even found naturally in breast milk, so nature has also stamped it GRAS.
What is Lauricidin Detox?
Even though Lauricidin is considered non-toxic and most people tolerate it quite well, you can occasionally develop a reaction called a “die-off effect”.
A die-off effect, also called a Herxheimer Reaction, occurs when yeast and other pathogens are being killed by the monolaurin. As these bacteria, yeast, and/or viruses die, they can release toxins into the body that may result in flu-like, acne-like, allergy-like symptoms, including: fever, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, skin eruptions, etc.
Although these die-off side effects can be felt by some, even at low doses, these symptoms can be improved by starting with a low dose of Lauricidin and slowly increasing the dose over weeks to months. This allows the body time to acclimate and detox.
Many patients have also found that drinking plenty of water while using the Lauricidin also decreases the severity of the die-off effect.
The detox reaction is normally self-limiting and will improve over time; however, if the symptoms become overwhelming, simply give the body a break and then restart at a much lower dose.
What is the Best Way to Use Lauricidin?
Let’s discuss how to take monolaurin.
Lauricidin comes in a jar full of monolaurin pellets that are taken via a provided scoop.
Using the scoop, you can dose in very small amounts and slowly increase the dose as you determine how well you tolerate it. Adults will usually start with ¼ of a scoop or less two to three times daily and can slowly increase the dose up to 1 full scoop three times daily.
For stubborn infections, some health care providers will further increase the dose until benefits are noted. Don’t be afraid to start with a few pellets and work the dose up as you get some personal experience with it.
Children, 3-10 years of age, can start with 1-3 pellets (NOT SCOOPS) for a few days before gradually increasing the dose. After this initial trial, you can increase to 1-3 pellets twice daily and then three times daily over a couple of weeks.
Dos & Don’ts of Lauricidin Use
- Never chew Lauricidin tablets; swallow them whole
- Drink cold liquids when taking Lauricidin pellets, as hot liquids will melt them prematurely.
- Dose according to your response; some will need more and some will need less than the recommendations provided above.
- Always start slow in order to prevent a “die-off effect” caused by too many bacteria, viruses, or fungi dying too quickly.
We have Lauricidin in the store at Dr. D’s office in Ruckersville, Virginia so come by and pick some up!